Last week our colleagues from CITCEA-UPC and University of Strathclyde attended the CIRED (International Community on Electricity Distribution) and presented their work in two poster sessions. This conference focused on the resilience of distribution grids, presenting various methods for evaluating grid resilience and technologies for enhancing it. In particular, multiport converters where suggested as a potential technology solution.
Montse Montalà Palau presented her work entitled “GIS – Based Approach to Improve the Resilience of the Distribution Network”, where a resiliency methodology is presented and applied for a MV distribution grid from Catalonia.
Martí Dominguez presented his work entitled “Multiport Power Converters to Enhance Resilience in Distribution Networks”, where grid-forming control for a non-isolated multiport converter is presented to ensure islanded operation in case of faults in LV feeders.
Sam Harrison presented his work entitled “Resilient Features of a Grid-forming Multiport Power Converter”. The work explores a partially-isolated multiport power converter topology to integrate MV distribution feeders with LV energy storage. Some of the hurdles to achieve grid-forming functionality are also highlighted.
CIRED PowerSystems ElectricDistribution Resilience