We are happy to announce a new collaboration with HE SSTAR project.
Please find as follows a short SSTAR summary:
Considering the needed transition towards a low-carbon economy, SSTAR project is contributing to change the energy industry infrastructure, starting from Solid-State Transformers (SSTs). The SST is a quite recent promising innovative technology, that will be further developed within SSTAR. We aim at increasing SST’s operational voltage level to enlarge their applications, while improving the energy sector in a more sustainable way.
The innovations that are being developed (biobased dieletric fluid, decentralized CHB converters and new SST modules based on Silicon Carbide) will be tested in two certified labs based in Spain and Portugal. These technologies will not only change the energy sector, but will also impact the bioeconomy sector thanks to the synergies developed amongst the electric and the biorefinery sectors.
Find out more about SSTAR on their website.