Hierarchical, distributed grid intelligence will play an important role in the future of low inertia, converter-dominated power systems.
In iPLUG’s vision of the future distribution grids, the Multiport Converters will stand as critical intelligent and autonomous agents which act as local “brains” managing multiple distributed energy sources and coordinate with each other to obtain greater system benefits.
Based on this vision, WP4’s objective is to develop and test control strategies that guarantee stable and secure integration of these intelligent agents, the Multiport Converters, into the distribution networks under different case studies defined in iPlug’s WP1. Their advanced controllability and communication capabilities will be analyzed in depth in this Work Package, and the main outcome will be innovative control strategies that enable the provision of local and system-wide services.

With the application of the correct control and coordination strategies, multiport converters are expected to enhance grid stability through fine regulation and increase grid’s renewable energy hosting capacity by solving distribution bottlenecks, thanks to the unlock of improved soft open points capabilities.

Want to know how multiports will impact distribution networks? Stay tuned with iPLUG-HE project.

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CITCEA-UPCUniversità degli Studi di PadovaChalmers University of TechnologyIREC – Institut de Recerca en Energia de CatalunyaUniversity of StrathclydeINFRAESTRUCTURES DE LA GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA SAUAnellTyphoon HIL, Inc.