Two weeks ago, Typhoon HIL, Inc. hosted the 02 General Assembly, in Novi Sad, Serbia. On the first day, there was an extensive review of the Work Packages and technical discussions regarding Multiport converters sizing and topologies for medium voltage applications. Later in the day, attendees had the opportunity to tour Typhoon HIL facilities and witness a hardware demonstration.
On the second day of the meeting, discussions continued, focusing on multiport converters for low-voltage applications. The sessions were led by Ruzica Cvetanovic, (Stability, SOP, and HIL), and Milos Miletic (TyphoonSim)
It is important to note that this September marks the initiation of Work Package 4, which is centered on the operational aspects of multiport converters.

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CITCEA-UPCUniversità degli Studi di PadovaChalmers University of TechnologyIREC – Institut de Recerca en Energia de CatalunyaUniversity of StrathclydeINFRAESTRUCTURES DE LA GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA SAUAnellTyphoon HIL, Inc.